The year was 1991. The first Gulf War came to an end, the Internet was first made available for commercial interests, and the lead singer of Queen, Freddie Mercury, died due to complications from AIDS (HIV). (Meanwhile, 1% of tropical rainforest is destroyed.)
A lesser known musician, singer and songwriter released a song that was to raise awareness of environmental destruction and global poverty unlike any piece of art previously. The man was Julian Lennon - son of the great John Lennon. The song: Saltwater.
The song reflects upon the great feats that mankind is capable of. Undoubtedly, we are the apex ‘clever’ species. Yet, are we truly wise? Verses remark on the legacy of a dying natural world, injustice and poverty we leave behind us.
Over 25 years have passed. The “hole in the sky” (hole in the ozone layer) over Antarctica has started to recover in the past couple of years. As for the remainder, the story is a sad one.
Will we learn, and correct course? Time will tell. Only: "... time is not a friend (no friend of mine) ... As friends we're out of time"
Through our blogs our contributors strive to play a small part in helping to correct course. Our precious home needs our collective efforts - now!
Dear Reader, you are part of the global movement that cares. Thank you for being a part of it.
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Julian Lennon - Saltwater ©
We are a rock revolving
Around a golden sun
We are a billion children rolled into one
So when I hear about the hole in the sky
Saltwater wells in my eyes
We climb the highest mountain
We'll make the desert bloom
We're so ingenious we can walk the moon
But when I hear of how the forest have died
Saltwater wells in my eyes
I have lived for love
But now that's not enough
For the world I love is dying And now I'm crying
And time is not a friend (no friend of mine)
As friends we're out of time
And it's slowly passing by ....right before our eyes
We light the deepest ocean
Send photographs of Mars
We're so enchanted my how clever we are
Why should one baby feel so hungry she cries
Saltwater wells in my eyes
I have lived for love
But now that's not enough
For the world I love is dying And now I'm crying
And time is not a friend (no friend of mine)
As friends we're out of time
And it's slowly passing by ....right before our eyes
We are a rock revolving
Around a golden sun
We are a billion children rolled into one
What will I think of me the day that I die
Saltwater wells in my eyes
Saltwater wells in my eyes